Find Your Nursing Licensure Guide

Wisconsin, WI

eNLC: Yes
Temp License: Yes
Nursys: Yes
BON website
P: (608) 266-2112



Endorsement Application: $72.00

Temporary Permit: $10.00


Permanent License

The BON does not commit to a timeframe for permanent licensure.

Temporary License

The BON does not commit to a timeframe for temporary licensure.


  • Renewal cadence: 2/28 (or 2/29 in leap years) of even numbered years. If you receive your initial credential in the months leading up to this date, you are still required to renew your license and begin the 2-year renewal cycle.
  • Renewal fee: $57 if renewed on time. Late renewals will incur an additional fee of $25.
  • Required contact hours: None

Important Things to Know

  • Your application is valid for 12 months. If incomplete after 12 months have passed, your application will be discarded and you must reapply and repay the application fee.

Licensure by Endorsement


Permanent License

  1. Submit an application online in the LicensE portal and pay the fee.
  2. Request verification of licensure via Nursys from your original state of licensure and the state where you are currently employed. If these states do not participate in Nursys, you will need to contact that state’s BON and request verification be sent to the Wisconsin BON.
  3. Submit Form 2687 with a photograph, allowing the Wisconsin BON to perform a background check.
  4. Complete a background check with fingerprints. You will receive instructions for completing fingerprinting after the department has received a signed copy of Form 2687.

Temporary License

  1. Once all items have been received by the BON except license verification from a non-Nursys participating state, you may be issued a provisional license.
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