Find Your Nursing Licensure Guide

Kansas, KS

eNLC: Yes
Walk-Through: No
Temp License: Yes
Nursys: Yes
BON website
P: (785) 296-4929



Endorsement Application: $100.00

Temporary Permit: No extra charge


Permanent License

At least 7-10 business days upon receipt of all required materials

Temporary License

Approximately 7-10 business days upon receipt of all required materials


  • Renewal cadence: Renewal of your license occurs every 2 years during your birth month. If you were born in an even numbered year, your license will expire every 2 years during even years. If you were born in an odd numbered year, your license will expire every 2 years in odd numbered years. If you receive your initial credential in the months leading up to your renewal window, you are still required to renew your license and begin the 2-year renewal cycle.
  • Renewal fee: $85
  • Required contact hours: 30 hours of continuing education
  • You can renew your license within 90 days or fewer from your expiration date

Important Things to Know

  • You can check on the status of your application in the state portal.

Licensure by Endorsement


Permanent License

  1. Submit an application online and pay the fee
  2. Request official transcripts from an approved nursing education program to be sent to the Kansas BON.
  3. Request verification of licensure via Nursys from your original state of licensure. If this state does not participate in Nursys, you will need to contact that state’s BON and request verification be sent to the Kansas BON.
  4. Provide a background check with fingerprints. Once fingerprint card and waivers are completed attach a check or money order for $48.00, made payable to Kansas Board of Nursing and mail to the Kansas BON.

Temporary License

  1. If you wish to be issued a provisional license, please indicate this on your application.
  2. Temporary permits are valid for 120 days.
  3. Once all items have been received by the BON except background check results and your license verification, you may be issued a provisional license.
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