Find Your Nursing Licensure Guide

Iowa, IA

eNLC: Yes
Walk-Through: No
Temp License: Yes
Nursys: Yes
BON website
P: (515) 281-6488



Endorsement Application: $169.00


Permanent License

Approximately 5 business days upon receipt of all required materials

Temporary License

Approximately 5 business days upon receipt of all required materials


  • Renewal cadence: Every 3 years by the 15th of the month you are born in.
  • Renewal fee: $99 if renewed on time. Late renewals will incur an additional fee of $50
  • Required contact hours: 36
  • Renewals that are received on the 16th of the birth month and prior to the 16th of the following month are considered late renewals.
  • There is a grace period of 30 days. If your license has not been renewed by the end of the 30 day period, your license will lapse and you will be unable to work until your license has been reinstated.
  • You may renew a license beginning 60 days prior to the license expiration date.
  • RNs who regularly examine, attend, counsel or treat dependent adults or children must complete 2 contact hours of training related to child/dependent adult abuse. Abuse training must be completed every 5 years.

Important Things to Know

  • Your application is valid for 12 months. If incomplete after 12 months have passed, your application will be discarded and you must reapply and repay the application fee.
  • You cannot request a temporary permit if you have any criminal convictions or current disciplinary action against your license in another state. 
  • The Iowa Board of Nursing estimates the time frame to receive all documentation from third parties is usually 2-8 weeks. 

Licensure by Endorsement


Permanent License

  1. Submit an application online and pay the fee. After you have completed the online application, a packet of other required materials, forms and instructions will automatically be sent to you by ground mail to complete your application.
  2. Provide a background check with fingerprints. The BON will send you a fingerprinting card to complete. Do not complete fingerprints until you receive this card from the Board or your fingerprints will be rejected. You may be fingerprinted at any authorized fingerprinting center. You do not need to complete fingerprints in-state.
  3. Submit a signed criminal history background waiver form
  4. Request verification of licensure via Nursys from your original state of licensure. If this state does not participate in Nursys, you will need to contact that state’s BON and request verification be sent to the Iowa BON via the Verification of Original License form.
  5. Request an official nursing transcript be sent to the Board from the original nursing program from which you graduated, or the institution maintaining your official records. A hard copy of the transcript must be sent by ground mail and directly from the program. 
  6. Information regarding any criminal convictions and out of state discipline must be submitted (if applicable). 
  7. Provide active military or federal government employee identification (if applicable).

Temporary License

  1. If you wish to be issued a provisional license, please indicate this on your application.
  2. Temporary permits are valid for 30 days.
  3. Once all items have been received by the BON except your college transcripts and fingerprint results, you may be issued a provisional license.
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